Page name: Misty's weekly anime poll [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-10 20:41:52
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
# of watchers: 27
D20: 19
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Welcome friends,this is going to be a weekly anime poll.Have suggestions on a poll?Then tell me and I'll add it to the list!

3404) What's your favorite yuri couple? (Administrator: [~Crimson Angel~])

Number of voters: 17
* a) Sakura and Hinata
Number of votes: 2 (12%) Voters: [DrunkOnShadowz], [The Last Dragoon]

* b) Sakura and Ino
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* c) Sakura and Temari
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* d) Sakura and Ten Ten
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* e) Tsunade and Shizune
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* f) Kuranai and Hinata
Number of votes: 1 (6%) Voters: [twitchboy]

* g) Rukia and Orihime
Number of votes: 1 (6%) Voters: [Eyden13]

* h) Orihime and Rangiku
Number of votes: 1 (6%) Voters: [Xerin Zamaki]

* i) Orihime and Tatsuki
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* j) Soi Fon and Yuroichi
Number of votes: 7 (41%) Voters: [Alexi Ice], [XxTsomexX], [*dragonstar*], [~noctis lingua~], [~Crimson Angel~], [Rice], [J.R. MacKenzie]

* k) C2 and Kallen
Number of votes: 2 (12%) Voters: [~Spirit Fox~], [Kbird]

* l) Milly and Shirley
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* m) Nina and Euphemia
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* n) Kagome and Sango
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* o) Kagome and Kikyo
Number of votes: 1 (6%) Voters: [Darth Jacein]

* p) Konata and Kagami
Number of votes: 2 (12%) Voters: [Sideways], [King of Thorns]

Future poll Suggestions

What's your favorite cartoon network anime?

Favorite Organization 13 from Kingdom hearts?

Favorite straight couple?

Favorite yaoi couple?

Favorite yuri couple?

Whats your favorite Naruto animal?

Who's your favorite InuYasha Character?

What is your favorite manga?

What is your favorite yaoi anime?

Whats your favorite Shownen anime?

Who is your least favorite anime character?

What is you favorite Anime skill class?

Which manga is your favourite horror manga?

What anime is your favourite horror anime?

favorite anthro?

favorite swordsman?

favorite comic relief character?

favorite bishonen/bishojo character?

favorite loli/shoto?(not saying anybody has a loli or a shotocon complex, but there are awesome younger characters ie Sakura of Cardcaptors/Card Captor Sakura, Sara, Su and Shinobu of Love Hina)

favorite creature? (such as Puu from Yuyu Hakusho, Mokana from Magic Knight Rayearth)

favorite demon?

favorite underdog?

favorite comedy, action, fantasy, romance..etc?

favorite vampire?

favorite super genius?

favorite OVA...?

Past Polls.

Out of these manga which do you like better?(Death Note won.)

Who's your favorite Akatsuki member?(Itachi Uchiha 8 (32%) of the votes)

Who's your favorite anime hero? (Jean Starwind (outlaw star) 5 (21%) of the votes)

Who's your favorite anime Villian? Light Yagami (Death Note) 9 (31%) of the votes

Who's your favorite military dog from FMA(Full Metal Alchemist)? Maes Hughes 8 (40%) of the Votes

Favorite Homunculi from FMA (FullMetal Alchemist)? Greed 6 (43%) of the Votes

Who is your favorite of the 'band of brothers' in Inuyahsa? Bankotsu 11 (79%) of the Votes

Who's your favorite Leaf Ninja? Shikamaru Nara 4 (22%) of the Votes

Who's your favorite Death Note character? L 7 (37%) of the Votes

Who is your favorite thirteen squads captain? Toshiro Hitsugaya 5 (33%) of the Votes

Who's your favorite between light and L? L 7 (54%) of the Votes

What is your favorite manga? Naruto 4 (22%) of the Votes

Which anime do you think they need to make a live action movie of? (where real people play the characters instead.) Fruits Basket 12 (60%) of the Votes

What is your favorite non cartoon network anime? Saiyuki Reload 5 (18%) of the Votes. (I'm not counting it a tie because Shadow voted after it was supossed to be over.)

What's your favorite shojo beat anime? Vampire knight 6 (55%) of the Votes.

Which Inuyasha movie (That's been realeased in America) is your favorite? The Castle beyond the looking glass 9 (69%) of the votes

Who's your favorite sand sibling? It's a tye between Gaara and Temari 8 40% of the votes each. (FIRST TIME TWO CHOICES HAD THE SAME AMOUT OF VOTES!)

Who's your favorite Code Geass Character? Lelouch Lamperouge 7 41% of the votes.

What is your favorite sports related anime? Prince of Tennis 6 (43%) of the votes

Who's your favorite Bleach Villan? Grimmjow 8 (40%) of the votes

What's your favorite cartoon network anime (from past and present)? FLCL 5 (25%) of the votes

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2009-09-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: um...

2009-09-12 [Dasner]: *blinks then raises a hand* I know! Link from Legend of Zelda! ^_^.......Wait, would he be considered anime? o.o

2009-09-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Not sure.

2009-09-12 [~noctis lingua~]: They did make a Legend of Zelda movie at some point, so technically, Link could be considered an anime character.

2009-09-13 [twitchboy]: there was an anime

2009-09-13 [hammersmashface]: well its settled then Link is the winner yay

2009-09-14 [twitchboy]: what about Pherb from Phenius and pherb

2009-09-14 [Alexi Ice]:
Sorry. Grimmjow already won <3 <3 <3

2009-09-14 [hammersmashface]: grimmjow isnt silent so didnt win! :)

2009-09-14 [Alexi Ice]: He wins in my book <3 LOL <3 I love Grimjow.

2009-09-14 [hammersmashface]: lol ok! then we have 2 winners, so now they have to battle it out to the death...

2009-09-14 [Alexi Ice]: Grimmjow would totally win!

2009-09-14 [hammersmashface]: noooo! your just saying that cuz your in love with him :P

2009-09-15 [twitchboy]: actually im pretty sure wonderweis would rape grimjow

2009-09-16 [hammersmashface]: uhh just bought compleat set of samuri 7 got 1/2 tru it and altho i dont really like ummm "mechanical anime" this one i really got into...only cuz i like the big red guy hes the best!!

2009-09-16 [Alexi Ice]: ...I would...

2009-09-16 [hammersmashface]: ...i would ...too

2009-09-16 [Alexi Ice]: I can;t help it if he is the hottest character on bleach.

2009-09-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hey! What about Ulquiorra?

2009-09-18 [twitchboy]: what about him!! LONG LIVE THE RETARD!

2009-09-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: What?

2009-09-18 [hammersmashface]: retard is an offencive term mmm'kay?

2009-09-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Uh...

2009-09-18 [~noctis lingua~]: Ulquiorra is retarded...? o.O I wouldn't have thought so. His mental functions didn't seem at all diminished to me. Did I miss something?

2009-09-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Maybe he's talking about wonderweiss.

2009-09-18 [God of the mind]: swiss cheese is awesome! uhhhh -looks around- i am in the wrong forum arent I?

2009-09-18 [~noctis lingua~]: If it was Wonderweiss, I could understand. *laughs*

2009-09-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol yeah he is sort of dense.

2009-09-18 [God of the mind]: I am not dense! never not once did i bring up cake or anything food related when i was at your house, for frigging sake

2009-09-18 [~noctis lingua~]: ...o.O

2009-09-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yes you did, in the car going to the airport you said we never had any cake or ice cream, and I wasn't calling you dense.

2009-09-18 [God of the mind]: i want you to prove that one misty-chan but that one chick was hot though, pizza hut afterwards fun times, and you noticed that i forgot my shaver that was bad, but when i got home, that was the worst 4 days of my life on the floor not feeling good just shivvering, i never went to work either

2009-09-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: I have the proof that you mentioned Cake coming back from Pizza Hut, it's on the video on youtube. And it's not my fault you got sick.

2009-09-18 [God of the mind]: no its not your fault i had not eaten anything for like 26 hours then when i came home i ate a whole watermelon 7 hot hotdogs, drank a 2 litre of water, a few moments later i am on the floor shivering

2009-09-18 [God of the mind]: and yes i am skinny mary know this, luckily she did not lift up my shirt or try to grab my ass which i do not have

2009-09-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Actually I did that remember. lol

2009-09-18 [God of the mind]: fun times hot females, -sigh- i want to go back, next time i will bring my electric shaver! not looking like i am 30 for me ever again thanks

2009-09-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah that's cool Mr. Pedo. XD

2009-09-18 [God of the mind]: short feller wtf really your grandma need to learn my real name which is -censorsed for the audiences of the world- yeah that would be nice

2009-09-18 [God of the mind]: I am not a pedo, how many times must i tell you i have no sex life the closest thing i have to a sex life is a pickpocket at work

2009-09-18 [God of the mind]: i get sex the same way i get tofu, NEVER

2009-09-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Wait a pickpocket at work is the closet thing to a sex life you have? That is so sad.

2009-09-18 [God of the mind]: -face palm-

2009-09-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: *laughs at your misery*

2009-09-18 [God of the mind]: -laughs at what i did to your couch-

2009-09-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: What did you do to the couch??

2009-09-18 [Sideways]: *waits for the next poll*

2009-09-18 [Alexi Ice]: Me too...

2009-09-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh so what do you want to vote on next?

2009-09-19 [~noctis lingua~]: Favorite yaoi anime? Or, I forget, has that already been done?

2009-09-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: You mean who's your favorit yaoi couple?

2009-09-19 [hammersmashface]: wich mistys weekly anime poll was your favorit?? :D

2009-09-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Uh...?

2009-09-19 [~noctis lingua~]: *laughs* Yeah, I think that's the one I was remembering. But since the yaoi anime one hasn't been done, you should do that one.

2009-09-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, maybe, but I'm not sure how many girls are watching this page, and I know the guys won't vote.

2009-09-19 [~noctis lingua~]: Good point.

2009-09-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah.

2009-09-20 [*dragonstar*]: I would gladly vote on that one. Has a Soul Eater poll been done?

2009-09-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: I don't know Soul Eater so no.

2009-09-20 [*dragonstar*]: *pokes you* You need to watch it. 52 episodes of greatness... or was it 51? *shrugs* It's good and funny. :3 You have Shinigami's son Death the Kid who has major OCD, a hyper active ninja named Black Star, Soul who tries to be cool, but fails sometimes, Maka the girl who tries to be the best in the class, Shinigami who's happy and funny.

2009-09-20 [twitchboy]: watch excel saga...simply greatness

2009-09-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sounds sort of like Naruto

2009-09-23 [*dragonstar*]: It does, but it's not. Some of them you want to strangle, like Maka. And some you want to hug or air hug. Like Stein and Asura. And some of them you just want to put in a room together so they can get over their issues like Justin and Giriko. Others you just want to knock some sense into. Black Star mainly. *sighs* Baka.

2009-09-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ah, I see.

2009-09-24 [*dragonstar*]: Yep.

2009-09-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: *spins*

2009-09-24 [*dragonstar*]: Have you seen Rave Master?

2009-09-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: OH YEAH! HARU IS DA BOMB! SO IS MUSICA!

2009-09-24 [*dragonstar*]: That should be our next poll. A Rave Master poll. :3

2009-09-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Really?? what should the question be?

2009-09-24 [*dragonstar*]: I'm not sure. Maybe a who's your favorite villain or who's your favorite hero. I have two kick ass heros I like and three villains I like. *huggles Shuda*

2009-09-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Well what if we're the only two that can answer?

2009-09-24 [*dragonstar*]: That would be bad. Hmm... I'm sure there are more people out there that know Rave Master. If not, then we can do a Code Geass poll or even Gundam Wing. :3

2009-09-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: I could do the Yaoi one next if you want to help with the list of yaoi couples.

2009-09-24 [*dragonstar*]: Okay. :3 Not sure how many couples I can do, but I'll give it a shot. Any specific anime you want?

2009-09-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: It doesn't really matter

2009-09-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: I have NaruSasu, cause they are like the most popular from Naruto.

2009-09-24 [*dragonstar*]: This is going to be hard. There are so many couples out there that I can name. And it doesn't help that I keep on finding more. *headdesk*

2009-09-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Let's just put up the popular ones and if anyone asks for one I'll add it.

2009-09-24 [*dragonstar*]: Okay. Can we have at least three pairings from each anime?

2009-09-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sure.

2009-09-24 [*dragonstar*]: Yay! It might take me some time to come up with couples and narrow it down. There are so many out there.

2009-09-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, I know.

2009-09-24 [*dragonstar*]: It doesn't help that I keep on finding new ones. Some anime I have only one couple, while others I could have many.

2009-09-24 [~noctis lingua~]: If you want yaoi couples, how about Bleach? There are tons of characters, so coming up with couples shouldn't be that difficult, right?

2009-09-25 [hammersmashface]: not bleach again >.< booooo!

2009-09-25 [*dragonstar*]: Every couple is welcome. Just narrow it down to three of each anime.

2009-09-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, I actually like Gaara and Lee together.

2009-09-25 [*dragonstar*]: I'm rather fond of Sasori and Deidara together. :3

2009-09-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh yeah, they are hot together. *day dreams*

2009-09-25 [*dragonstar*]: That's why I like them together. Plus, I love Deidara. :3 Art is a BANG!

2009-09-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Yes it is.

2009-09-25 [*dragonstar*]: *sniff* That was so sad and so cute!
Shin: She found a new obsession.
It's not an obsession.
Shin: Your fanfic books marks are Gundam Wing, odd-n-end, Gundam Wing, Code Geass, Gundam Wing, Code Geass, Rave Master, and now Teen Titans.
Shin: You have an obsession.

2009-09-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol I love all those things too Shin.

2009-09-25 [*dragonstar*]: Shin: *groans softly*
I'm into Red X and Robin. :3

2009-09-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh yeah, I like beast boy, he's funny.

2009-09-25 [*dragonstar*]: He is funny. :3

2009-09-25 [hammersmashface]: <mono tone voice> raven is the best. </mono tone voice>

2009-09-25 [*dragonstar*]: I love her! She is the most awesome girl on there, next to Jinx.

2009-09-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, I know!

2009-09-26 [*dragonstar*]: She is full of win.

2009-09-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: OH YEAH!

2009-09-26 [*dragonstar*]: Epic win. :3

2009-09-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: BOOYAH!

2009-09-27 [twitchboy]: All hail TERRA! feel the earth tremble at her might! Then she laughs...and causes a cataclysmic incident. NOOO!!! WHY DID THE GET RID OF HER?!?!?!? DAMN PRODUCERS!!!

2009-09-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Who's Terra?

2009-09-27 [Sideways]: They got rid of her because she made teen titans suck a little bit less and they couldn't go on having a decent storyline with actual conflict or anything like that.  Oh, btw Terra was on several episodes as a rogue character, a chipmunky little blonde girl, has easily the cheapest power in the world. She makes dirt do whatever she wants

2009-09-27 [*dragonstar*]: Terra was the blonde haired girl that Beast Boy liked.

2009-09-29 [twitchboy]: Terra was the best, but jericho had the cheapest power ever.

2009-09-30 [*dragonstar*]: I like Jericho.

2009-09-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh now I remember.

2009-09-30 [twitchboy]: you know he is slade's son? according to the original comics, and terra was his accosional booty call

btw just started reading Lucifer and the biscuite hammer on one manga, its starts off a bit weird and typical but i becomes great  there is no "Good side" its one of my fav's check it out

2009-10-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ok then.

2009-10-03 [hammersmashface]: i once licked a hammer that tasted like a biskuite...

2009-10-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seriously?

2009-10-04 [hammersmashface]: yearh!! those where the better tasteing days!

2009-10-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: That's odd.

2009-10-04 [hammersmashface]: you dont understand, cuz your not a hammer!

2009-10-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, I'm not.

2009-10-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: when'll the poll change?

2009-10-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, Dragonstar needs to help me with yaoi couples, but I can do a different poll for now.

2009-10-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ok I changed the poll!

2009-10-05 [hammersmashface]: yay finaly a poll i can vote on :D without haveing to copy that one person all the time

2009-10-05 [~noctis lingua~]: *pouts* No Yu Yu Hakusho? I'm a litte disappointed. But I suppose there are really far too many anime that Cartoon Network has shown over the past to really include them. I mean, you didn't put Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon on there either.

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yu-Gi-Oh was on the WB I could add Yu-Gi-Oh GX and 5D's, and I didn't know Yu Yu Hakusho was on Cartoon Network, I can add it if you want.

2009-10-05 [hammersmashface]: dragonballZ

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh Yeah.

2009-10-05 [hammersmashface]: i dont wan you to add this but would the show REBOOT count as anime? computer anime?

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm not sure, I've never heard of it.

2009-10-05 [hammersmashface]: it was about this guy who was a computer defence...the entire town was inside a computer...and the bad guy was a virus...i had the vidiogame of it too, back on the first playstation

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Was the guy blue?

2009-10-05 [hammersmashface]: lol yea!!

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: I think I have seen that.

2009-10-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: didn't cartoon network show bayblade too?

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: I know ABC Family did, but I don't know about Cartoon Network.

2009-10-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it was on cartoon network over here

2009-10-05 [twitchboy]: holy god that show was great!!! Reboot!!!! the watch was called glitch and the girl villians face changed evrytime she waved her hand

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, maybe it was but I didn't know.

2009-10-05 [Xerin Zamaki]: what about Megas Xlr, Samurai Jack, Tenchi Muyo, Transformers and TIME SQUAD XP

2009-10-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Time Squad?

2009-10-06 [~noctis lingua~]: Megas XLR and Samurai Jack were not actually anime. They were made in the U.S. Then again, so was Teen Titans.

2009-10-06 [~noctis lingua~]: Oh my god, I remember Reboot, [twitchboy]!

2009-10-06 [hammersmashface]: anime is anime no mater were its from!!

2009-10-06 [~noctis lingua~]: Uh, no, actually, anime is a specific Japanese style of animation, though if you want to get really technical, it's only a term adopted from the French word anime, which just means animation. But anime is generally associated with Japanese animation.

2009-10-06 [Alexi Ice]: Personally I loved any of the Gundam series. Especially G Gundam...but Gundam 08 was A-MAZ-ING!

2009-10-06 [hammersmashface]: so your saying if a french canadian draws is own anime "japanese style" your saying its not called anime??

2009-10-06 [~noctis lingua~]: *sighs* No, I'm saying that the term anime really only technically applies to French animation, since that's where it came from, and Japanese animation, since they adopted the term. Until everyone in the U.S. starts calling everything animated "anime", it's not anime as long as it was created here.

2009-10-06 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: PoT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2009-10-06 [hammersmashface]: i think it should only be based on the art!! if it has anime eyes adn figuers its anime :P and not everything animated should be called anime even if it comes from japan or france

2009-10-06 [hammersmashface]: ...and further more i think "I" should be anime tall and skinny with wild hair and big eyes :D

2009-10-07 [twitchboy]: technically cartoons would count as anime then  they are animated cartoons  Twitchy FTW!!! lol

2009-10-07 [~noctis lingua~]: Goodness, no one understands, do they? It's called anime in Japan and France. In America, we just call it animation. The term is already technically based on the art, but I'm saying that just because you imitate a style something has doesn't mean you are really making that thing. If I said I was wearing the same clothes as Miley Cyrus, I wouldn't be Miley Cyrus, would I? And you're completely missing my point. Everything animated in Japan and France would be called anime because that's the word for "animation" in their languages. They wouldn't, necessarily, have anything else to call it.

2009-10-07 [XxTsomexX]: Exactly. Thank you Noctis.

2009-10-07 [XxTsomexX]: I've been watching the arguement for a while, and noctis is right. Technically, Teen Titans isn't really an 'anime' per say, though people think it is because of the art, but because it was made in America, it is just a cartoon.

2009-10-07 [~noctis lingua~]: Thank you, too, Tsome. ^-^

2009-10-07 [XxTsomexX]: No prob lol. I know what I;m talking about because I am the president of the anime club at my school, where we study Japanese Cartoons. Not American ones... If I wanted real American toons... I'd study Bugs and his gang. Taz forever. <3

2009-10-07 [~noctis lingua~]: Haha, I enjoy Bugs Bunny myself. I'm not the president of an anime club or anything, but that's because I'm graduated from school now, and mine was too small for that sort of thing anyway. However, I do spend most of my time engrossed in some anime or manga. So...

2009-10-07 [XxTsomexX]: yeah :) lol

2009-10-07 [~noctis lingua~]: ^-^

2009-10-09 [hammersmashface]: oh i see how it is up on the little guy... i dono language is like can mold it into what ever you need to get your point across...i think generaly that style is called anime no matter what country it comes from...and teen tites (the show) was done by a japanese guyand in his language HE would call it anime... <sticks tounge out>

and by the way alot of american products come from china and japan and other countrys, but we still use OUR english names for those its all up in smoke...we could sit here and debate this untill the sun supernovas...but i guess it all comes down to the language you speek and personal opinion

2009-10-12 [J.R. MacKenzie]: Ghost in the Shell is a close second for me.

2009-10-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alot of people think that Teen Titans is anime because it's in the Japanese anime style and the theme song is in Japanese. Personally I agree with Tsome and Noctis.

2009-10-13 [~noctis lingua~]: Thank you.

2009-10-13 [Sideways]: I LOVE samurai Jack, but, so long as were talking anime, Samurai Jack doesn't count and teen titans is like an embarassing anime rip off, it doesn't count either. SJ was made by a cartoon genius names Gende Tartoskovsky the man who brought us Dextor's Labrotory, at least I think I spelled his name right, but he worked for cartoon network, not anything Japanese. 

And I may be a little ashamed to admit it, but DBZ FOREVER!

2009-10-13 [Alexi Ice]: ...>> When it comes to Anime, honestly, Cartoon network gets like the scraps from the bottom of the food chain. Hahaha!

2009-10-13 [Sideways]: true

2009-10-13 [Alexi Ice]: The one anime from CN that I loved isn't even on the list. Darran is right, it should be divided into genres! That would make it a little easier to choose.

2009-10-13 [Alexi Ice]: The Couples Poll - Another wonderful Random Anime poll! <3

2009-10-14 [twitchboy]: screw this wheres fooly cooly?

2009-10-14 [Alexi Ice]: Or paranoia agent.

2009-10-14 [Xerin Zamaki]: you do realize anime is like beauty...everyone will see it differently but I totally agree with the teen titans and twitch is right WHERE IS FLCL!!!

2009-10-14 [~noctis lingua~]: Too true, this list isn't complete without Fooly Cooly.

2009-10-14 [Alexi Ice]: ECM Zombie SPAM!

2009-10-15 [Alexi Ice]: I added FLCL. Hope Misty does not mind. Question, WHY is transformers listed?

2009-10-15 [Xerin Zamaki]: cause it is actually Japanese anime

2009-10-15 [~noctis lingua~]: *nods* Unfortunately.

2009-10-18 [Rat Hacker]: I LOVE Witch Hunter Robin, it once was on Cartoon Network on Adult Swim... 

2009-10-19 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: You should do "Favorite Funimation anime"

I have the Funimation Channel on my TV. It's ALL i ever watch.

2009-10-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: How come the poll says that Akane Ice is the administrator?

2009-10-20 [Alexi Ice]: Cuz' I added Fooly Cooly as an entry, I think it just means I was the one who changed it last...if not, I don't know O.o

2009-10-20 [twitchboy]: Yay aka!

2009-10-21 [Alexi Ice]: LOL. *Bows* All in a days work.

2009-10-24 [hammersmashface]: okok i just bought the AH! my goddess the movie...for any who have watched the show and thought it was "ok" or will love the movie...only thing i didnt like about it was the sound levles...some part where really loud and then followed by parts that where extreamly quiet...however i really enjoyed it and it was well worth the 35Green Money i spent on it!!

2009-10-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: So which poll should I do now guys?

2009-10-26 [King of Thorns]: yuri couple

2009-10-26 [Alexi Ice]: Hawt. I agree.

2009-11-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol ok, but I'll need help.

2009-11-10 [Alexi Ice]: Oh? ^^' Don't you own a Yuri WIKI, silly?

2009-11-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah but I guess I could just add more that I don't have.

2009-11-11 [J.R. MacKenzie]: You left out Outlaw Star.

2009-11-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: huh?

2009-11-16 [J.R. MacKenzie]: Outlaw Star was on Cartoon Network.

2009-11-16 [Alexi Ice]: I have the box set! So amazing!

2009-11-17 [J.R. MacKenzie]: I have it on my external hardrive along with ather anime.

2009-11-27 [~noctis lingua~]: Outlaw Star was really awesome, though I never watched it on Cartoon Network. One of my friends owns the box set, and I borrowed it and watched the whole thing. *laughs* Harry is one of my favorite characters, along with Fred. Have to say I also appreciate Suzuka. She was just awesome. ^-^

2009-11-27 [J.R. MacKenzie]: AISHA!! The cutest cat-girl in the universe.

2009-11-27 [~noctis lingua~]: *laughs* I don't know if I would call her cute. Cute to look at, but her habits and her loud mouth are terrible.

2009-11-27 [J.R. MacKenzie]: She speaks her mind and has a healthy appetite.

2009-11-27 [Alexi Ice]: *High fives Zak* She really was adorable!!

2009-11-27 [~noctis lingua~]: *laughs* The anime ancestor of Haineko...

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